Sunday, February 17, 2008

I won't even dare

So two weeks ago I told myself that I'd try to run this weekend. Well then I got sick. And I'm still sick. Running would be a bad idea. Besides being loopy from the cough syrup with codeine, I haven't eaten over 1000 calories since last Saturday. Actually, most days were way less than that. I haven't lost my appetite since I had the chicken pox way back when. Anyway, I've lost 3 or 4lbs this week with my lack of eating and tons of night sweats. My pants fit like they belong to someone else. And it pisses me off because I just went shopping recently. And we all know how much I hate shopping. With all this going on, my body is in no condition to be out on the road even if my knee is okay. The good news is that I was actually hungry yesterday. And I'm hungry again today. Bad news is that I'm too tired to cook anything. I think I'm going back to bed. I need the rest.


peter said...

Get some rest and get better!

monicac2 said...

Hope you feel better soon!

Anonymous said...

Maybe you have the flu? My brother-in-law is having all the same issues... Feel better soon!

DawnB said...

Christie hope you're feeling better soon

sneakersister said...

Christie, How are you feeling? I was sick with bronchitis for the past 2 weeks so I know how you feel. Take care of yourself and you'll be up and running in no time.

JKL said...

You need to eat, not nibble before you start running again.Eating a pretzel is not lunch!I am going to start biking again. So i will be on you to keep up.

peter said...

Christie, it's near the leap year and we haven't heard from you. Are you ok? (Go out and do a mile.) Hope so.