Sunday, November 15, 2009

Out and About

My birthday was on Tuesday. So for the most part, I've been out doing my thing all week. I still feel somewhat lazy with my workouts but at least I got my cardio in on the dance floor three times this week. And there's more partying to be had tomorrow. Can't wait!

First things first...I haven't done much swimming. Something about cold, rainy weather makes me not want to disrobe and surround myself with water, even if the water is heated and indoors. Heck, I didn't want to leave the house. Anyway, I ended up hurting my neck during the swim. They were putting the lane divider back and I was raising my head out of the water during a front crawl set to make sure they didn't hit me. My neck is much better now.

Chisel class is still kicking my ass. Just about every exercise we do, including tricep dips, includes some type of weights. My behind is heavy enough. I don't need additional weight making it difficult. The last class included all kinds of squats. That's cool and all but it didn't help that the zumba teacher had us doing all kinds of squats the next day.

Speaking of zumba, I'm still enjoying it very much. And I wore the hip scarf again. I love it. Shimmies and hip pops are so much more fun with the noise it makes. So, I bought my own online. I can't wait for it to get here. I haven't broken out my belly dance dvd in weeks. Part of it is because someone is always here doing work on the house. I really don't need them looking at me like I'm crazy (I get that enough...LOL...I kid, I kid).

I still haven't been to the Saturday morning step/sculpt class. Sleeping in is so much more important. Maybe I'd be more inclined to go if the pool was available after class, but it's not. There are tons of swim classes going on until noon. And I don't wanna get up early for class, come home, then go back out again. Waking up early on a Saturday is enough of a sacrifice. I get enough sculpting (and muscle burning) in chisel class anyway. I'm not missing anything.

So I ran for the first time in almost three weeks on Wednesday. Honestly, I was on my way to the elliptical but the treadmill got in the way. I got on, started out slow, then proceeded to make a workout of it. It was nice. My hip was bothered BUT I have to say that it was bothered already from Monday's dancing. However, I did notice it wasn't as sore for as long after the run.

I ran today too (graphs and stats below). My hip was irritated yet again from a night of dancing, but dang it, I couldn't pass it up. It was sunny 67°. That's not normal for this time of year. Mind you, I was just bundled up earlier this week. I would love to have a mild winter. I doubt it will happen, but I can't always dream.

So as far as the run goes, it was the first outside run in over a month. And I really pushed it although I shouldn't have. I always do that when I come back from a hiatus. I say get the pain and struggling over with. Kick it into gear so your body knows exactly what to do next time you go out. In any case, this ended up being my fastest 3miler to date. That's pretty awesome for not running for almost four weeks (and for being 3lbs heavier than usual...weighed myself this morning). I'd like to see where this takes me. I still won't be running as much. I have all types of cross training to throw into the mix. I don't want to focus on tons of mileage and nothing else just to end up jacked up again.

The weather should still be pretty decent this week, so I may get more swims in. Of course, there's all these classes I'm signed up for. And I already know, I won't be anywhere near the Saturday class. Oh well. And let's not forget, there is more partying to be had. I'm sure I'd still be out and about even if it wasn't my birthday. It's funny how I didn't do all this dancing in my 20s. In any case, I'll be out doing it until I'm not physically able. And how about there was an older couple out last night wearing the floor out. She was 57 and he was 63. It's not about the "club" scene, whatever that is. I don't go to places like that anyway. I (we) go for good music (which is not on the radio..the radio sucks), to socialize with friends, and most importantly, to dance. Once you find something you love to do, why stop?

11/9 - Lots and lots of dancing (and spirits)

11/10 - My Birthday!!
Chisel Class (55min)
Bike (50min - 9.15mi)

11/11 - Yoga Class (55min)
Bike (50min - 11.07mi)
2mi Run (18:29 - 9:14 pace)

11/12 - Swim (43:09 - 1450yd)
Chisel Class (1hr)
More dancing (and spirits)

11/13 - Zumba Class (1hr)
Bike (1:05 - 13.63mi)

11/14 - Much more dancing (and spirits)

11/15 - Running!!! (see below)
Yoga - Hip Mobility (30min)

Elev. Avg:25 ft
Location:Willingboro, NJElev. Gain:-30 ft
Date:11/15/09Up/Downhill: [+91/-121]
Time:01:24 PMDifficulty:1.5 / 5.0
67 F temp; 65% humidity
67 F heat index; winds NW 7

Distance: 3.00 miles

Speed:7.1 mph

Pace:8' 24 /miHeart Rate:178 bpm (Avg)

Cool Down = 1.10mi
Elevation (ft)
Pace (min/mile)
MilePace (min/mile)Speed (mph)Elevation
actual+/- avgactual+/- avg
18' 41+0' 176.9-0.2-27 ft
28' 26+0' 027.1-0.0-7 ft
38' 06-0' 187.4+0.3+3 ft
end********** ft
Versus average of 8' 24 min/mile
** Insufficient data to calculate this split

Posted from


Jess said...

Happy birthday! Belatedly.

Mel-2nd Chances said...

the reasons you listed about not wanting to get in the pool was exactly the reason why i pretty much quit swimming last winter, and needed to find something to keep me motivated this winter. I just signed up for the Masters swim, so i know that paying for it will keep me going :) Great week!

joyRuN said...

Belated happy birthday!

You got some great training multi-workout days in there - very awesome.

Ulyana said...

Happy Birthday!

Yay for all the running!!!

A Plain Observer said...

it's pretty amazing that you are even faster in running after taking such break. I'm impressed

Yum Yucky said...

Oh geesh. I missed your birthday. Happy belated. I'll eat some cheesecake in your honor. m'kay?

peter said...

Very belated happy birthday. It's nicve to get out and run after a long time away from it. I'm looking at that, hopefully soon, after being away since October.