This little critter made it especially hard for me to do Pilates. She kept swatting and nipping at my legs and walking across the mat. Okay, so here's the deal I made with myself. I can have cake, but I need to do Pilates first. It's not like I have a weakness for sweets, but I figured it would get me to workout today. I'm not too motivated to do anything on my off days. All I wanna do is run.
Anyway, I'm so excited because I finally made Susan's peach upside down cake. I will definitely make this again. I used whole wheat pastry flour and added a bit more sugar (actually, the last of my good sugar). I've wanted to make this since I saw it in her blog. It's probably the cast iron skillet that made me wanna do it. Everything should be made in a cast iron skillet.
Pilates: 57min
I did the Accelerated Body Sculpting Winsor Pilates DVD. Next time I'll just do the 20min workout. I feel fine now, but I hope I'm not too sore for tomorrow.
Breakfast: ACV cocktail
This makes me feel like I've eaten. It takes so long for me to finish a cup. Apple cider vinegar is good for weight loss and a bunch of other stuff. But just so you know, I am not dieting. I do not diet, EVER. Everything in moderation, right? Anyway, I'm using ACV for other natural health benefits. I don't have any lemons, so ACV is the next best thing. And it's cheaper too. I always have some on hand.
Snack: A few nuts (cashews, dark chocolate covered almonds)
Lunch: Cake and tea
It's weird because I feel stuffed right now. It's probably the ACV.
Dinner: Veggie stir-fry w/tofu and brown rice
Late Night Snack: Strawberry blueberry smoothie
I've been out of berries for weeks now. I finally got some more.
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