I was all ready to post pretty graphs and such. But for some reason, BimActive isn't reading the biking activity from Garmin. So I had to put in the numbers manually. Next time, I think I'll just leave Garmin on the running setting and just change the activity in BimActive. Oh well. So my little ride was about 30min. I had a good time. I felt like a kid again. Even the uphill portion around the golf course wasn't too horrible. I ran that route as a fairly new runner once. I hated it. I guess having gears to play with helped. My quads will hate me tomorrow though. Okay, so with today's little excursion, I feel a LOT more comfortable. There were a couple of times I took one hand off the handlebars without wobbling. Go me! But the best part is that I live in a residential neighborhood. There are rarely any cars on the road unless you're on a major road. So riding around the way, I get the road to myself mostly. I still stayed to the right and kept looking over my shoulder just in case. With the wind in my ears, I may not hear a car creeping up on me. Oh, and I can look behind me without wobbling too. Yes, this is minor stuff to you experienced bikers. But to someone who hasn't seriously ridden in over 10yrs, this is a huge accomplishment. Next thing you know, I'll be roller skating again. But let me not get ahead of myself. One thing at a time, grasshopper. Oh, before I forget...is it just me or are there more bugs out when you're riding? I don't remember being covered in gnats when I used to ride back in the day. My shirt was all gnatted up. And some even managed to end up on me under the shirt. That was a bit gross. So yeah, I took another shower just to get the critters off. Another part of the ride that I could have done without was the part where I thought at some point I would hit a squirrel or few. They were every where. At one point, I said out loud something like, "Okay, Mr. Squirrel, ya gotta move now. Thanks." Well, that's it for now. I'm going to spend the rest of the night with my feet up and a cocktail in my hand (maybe). I'm sure it will help with soreness. We'll see. Activity
Max Speed = 16.6mph | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Bike 9/30/08
Run 9/30/08
I ran 45min at a much easier pace. It was pretty uneventful. There's nothing much to report there. My calves are still a bit sore, but I didn't feel them one bit during the run. My shoulders are sore but that was a result of yesterday's short bike ride home. I'm just glad that I didn't fall off. I may take the bike out for a leisurely spin before it gets dark. It would be a nice way to loosen up the legs. But first, I need to raise my bike seat. I road home with the seat kind of low. I didn't want to be too far from the ground in case I lost my balance. Now that I've got the balancing part under control, I can graduate to a higher bike seat. Pretty soon, I'll be steering with one hand again. Ah, baby steps. Activity
Cool Down = .9mi
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Monday, September 29, 2008
On to new training and such...
So I didn't do the last run of the HM training. Oh well. It's not like I was running an actual HM. I just needed a plan to keep running. And it would be nice to know that I can run a HM if I wanted to. Now I'm on to Hal Higdon's Winter Training. I don't need to train for something specific. I just need a plan to keep me moving. And It's cool because it goes by time instead of mileage. I'm sure I'll do a better job of pacing myself that way. Today called for a 15min easy run. Well, I ran not so easy. I started out fast and kept it that way. It still blows my mind that I can run a sub-9:00 anything. Yes, it's a short distance but still it's an improvement. My average pace used to be +/-11:00. My next run will be much slower, believe that. My calf muscles will thank me. They got a serious workout. I stretched and all but they need some more help. Maybe I'll add a 1.8mi walk to today's numbers. Why 1.8mi? Because that's how far the local bike shop is from my house. Yep, I bought a bike today and I have to go back to pick it up (it's so not fitting in my ride). I blame all of you runners who also blog about biking. It made me miss riding a bike. I was a teenager the last time I seriously road. A couple years ago, I was on a bike and was not comfortable (like I could fall off at any moment). I test road a used Jamis Explorer 3.0 2007 and felt like I could be comfortable again. I loved it. I wanted something that wouldn't feel like actual work (that's what running not so easy is for). I just wanna chillax and possibly burn a couple few calories while I'm at it. Heck, I'm getting older, I need to stay active and this is the perfect way to do it. Activity
Warm up = .4mi Cool down = .51mi A few minutes of stretching and yoga poses afterward.
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Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Rest, New Kicks and a Good Run
I took off Monday and Tuesday to rest the right head of fibula. Yesterday, I went to the Moorestown Running Company to get fitted for some new kicks. It was a toss up between the Adidas Supernova Sequence and the Mizuno Wave Inspire 4 I took the Adidas out for today's 2miler since they matched my pink shirt. They felt wonderful. And my right head of fibula felt completely healed. I doubt that it is, but that's how it felt. I'll still take it easy. I have that HM distance coming up on Saturday. I'm not sure if I'll attempt the distance. Maybe I'll just go for the 10mi that I missed out on last weekend. Anyway, on to the run. It's been a while since I've run only 2mi. So I don't know if I was excited that the distance was short, or if the new kicks were just that damn awesome, or rest just made me that much better, or if the 2lbs I dropped recently (that will make an appearance again soon) had anything to do with it, BUT it was one fast run (for me). I'm surprised that my first mile was as fast as it was. I checked Garmin in the beginning and saw 8:21. Ain't no way I can maintain that. Let me slow down. And I did but it was still way faster than any first mile I've ever run. Okay so mile 2 comes around, and I tell myself to just breathe. If I can't catch my breath, I've got serious problems and just need to hang it up for the day. I had that issue a few weeks ago. But not today. Today, I say, "Eat my dust, BITCHES!!" LOL. Activity
Cool Down = .4mi
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Saturday, September 20, 2008
WTF Man!!
I set out for 10mi. And all was good. The weather was cool. The skies were blue with cotton ball looking clouds. I had my bootleg trail mix (peanuts and raisins) and my water bottle. I told myself to start out slow. I was aiming for around 11:00/mi in the beginning. That way I know I definitely wouldn't use up too much too soon. When I got to mile 3, I wanted to speed up but tried to keep it slow. I've never attempted such a distance before. And it's not about beating a specific time. It's about getting through it and enjoying it (not wanting to die). And I was enjoying it, especially when I hit mile 4. That's when I decided I was gonna do this thing. And I started to get this weird but good feeling. I'm thinking it was a runner's high. Okay, then it starts going downhill. Somewhere in mile 5 I start to feel some chafing. I never chafe. I've run 8mi in a running skirt and never had an issue. But today, all the sudden I have this issue. So mile 6 rolls around and I'm reminded that I may need to replace my shoes. The right head of fibula thingy started to bother me. Yes, you can tell by positive splits after that. So in mile 7, I had to stop for a few seconds and walk out the pain. Then I decided to finish running in the grass. It helped, but what I really needed to do was to stop all together. Somewhere in mile 8, I stopped and walked again. It felt better. Then I finished up 9mi instead of 10. I decided to walk a mile for my cool down. So yeah, you can say I was outside for 10mi. Because dammit, I was gonna do 10mi one way or another. I'm not too sure how I'm going to handle next weekend's run, if I will even run at all. I have a half marathon distance on schedule. I don't see that happening. Maybe I'll just do 10mi, fibula willing. But yeah, I don't have that much mileage on my sneakers but I guess the way that I run I need to replace them sooner than average. Maybe I'll stop off at Moorestown Running Company this weekend and check some shoes out. I'm thinking I'll buy two pairs and alternate between them. We'll see. Well, the good thing about today is that I still felt kinda high during the cool down. And I still went further than I did before. And I ran faster than I thought I would considering the injury flaring up. The first time I ran 8mi, it took 1:33:44. Today, 9mi with a jacked up fibula head took me 1:33:22. And I burned 1017 calories. I think deserve a big drink with lots of alcohol. And I should have big greasy burgers (veggie) with onion rings. I think I should treat myself. Well, I'm off to figure out how I can best ruin my calorie deficit. Have a good weekend, all! Music: Sujinho I've had this album on my mp3 player for a while now. I figured I'd play something new. I didn't know what to expect. I was pleasantly surprised. Sounds like some type of South American jazz. And I did hear a chick singing in what sounded like Portuguese. Then I checked Amazon.com to see that it is categorized as Brazilian jazz. So I wasn't far off. It's a good listen, mostly instrumental though. But check it out. Activity
Cool Down = 1mi
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Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Got in 3mi today. It was a lot slower than yesterday's run, but I guess that's to be expected. I'm much better when I've had a day of rest. There are 5mi on the calendar tomorrow. I'm sure it will be slow too. No rest til Thursday. I have nothing much else to report. So I'm going to spend the evening watching Family Guy and chatting on the phone. Activity
Cool Down = .40mi
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