I didn't want to run today. I'm still tired and a tad sore. My body told me to go slow. And that's what I did. I'm not sure how I'll handle tomorrow's 5miler or if I'll even go through with it. And I'm not feeling so confident about this weekend's 9miler either. Just pray that I get enough rest.
ActivityRoute: | Park
| Elev. Avg: | 33 ft | Location: | Willingboro, NJ | Elev. Gain: | -39 ft | Date: | 09/09/08 | Up/Downhill: | [+72/-111] | Time: | 06:10 PM | Difficulty: | 1.5 / 5.0 |
| Weather: | NA |
| 71 F temp; 90% humidity |
| 71 F heat index; winds S 3 |
PerformanceDistance: | 3.00 miles |
Time: | 0:30:43 | Speed: | 5.9 mph |
| Pace: | 10' 14 /mi | Heart Rate: | 157 bpm (Avg) | Calories: | 338 |
| 179 bpm (Peak) |
Notes Elevation (ft) Pace (min/mile) Heart Rate (bpm) Heart Rate ZonesZone | Range (bpm) | Time In Zone | Distance In Zone |
1 | 93 - 111 | 0h 00m | 1%  | 0.04 mi | 2 | 111 - 130 | 0h 00m | 1%  | 0.05 mi | 3 | 130 - 148 | 0h 05m | 18%  | 0.53 mi | 4 | 148 - 167 | 0h 17m | 54%  | 1.64 mi | 5 | 167 - 185 | 0h 08m | 28%  | 0.88 mi | (none) | out of range | 0h 00m | 0%  | 0.01 mi | SplitsMile | Pace (min/mile) | Speed (mph) | Heart Rate | Elev Gain |
actual | +/- avg | actual | +/- avg |
1 | 10' 29 | +0' 15 | 5.7 | -0.1 | 142 | -53 ft | 2 | 10' 15 | +0' 01 | 5.8 | -0.0 | 164 | +30 ft | 3 | 9' 56 | -0' 18 | 6.0 | +0.2 | 167 | -16 ft | end | ** | ** | ** | ** | 177 | ** ft | Versus average of 10' 14 min/mile |
| ** Insufficient data to calculate this split |
Sometimes, even when you're tired, you just have to get out there and do it. Generally, once you're out there and running, you feel much better.
And don't worry about your niner -- you can do it! If you've done 8, it's just one more mile. Nothing you can't handle.
I agree with Jess, just get out there and run (I also need to take that advice this week!!). I know I always feel better after the first mile is over and if I still feel crappy after 2 or 3 miles (and I mean really crappy) then I call it a day and take it on home. Luckily those days happen less and less and when they do it's more physical issues taking me home than mental.
Ahh..the joys of running!! And rock that 9 miler!!!
I know sometimes when I feel worried or negative going into a run, it's hard to complete. So try to get rest, eat well, and positive self-talk before that 9 miler. Physically you can do it!
Hope it gets better for you very soon.
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