I didn't get around to blogging this one. You're not missing much. Twenty boring minutes around the track. At least the weather was nice. Be back later to blog today's run.
ActivityRoute: | Track
| Elev. Avg: | 38 ft | Location: | Willingboro, NJ | Elev. Gain: | -3 ft | Date: | 12/15/08 | Up/Downhill: | [+26/-29] | Time: | 06:53 PM | Difficulty: | 1.4 / 5.0 | | Weather: | Mostly Cloudy | | 62 F temp; 69% humidity | | 62 F heat index; winds S 7 |
PerformanceDistance: | 2.12 miles |
Time: | 0:20:00 | Speed: | 6.4 mph |
| Pace: | 9' 26 /mi | Heart Rate: | 154 bpm (Avg) | Calories: | 234 |
| 200 bpm (Peak) |
Notes Elevation (ft) Pace (min/mile) Heart Rate (bpm) Heart Rate ZonesZone | Range (bpm) | Time In Zone | Distance In Zone |
Zone 5 | 180 - 200 | 0h 12m | 62%  | 1.37 mi | Zone 4 | 160 - 180 | 0h 02m | 12%  | 0.25 mi | Zone 3 | 140 - 160 | 0h 00m | 1%  | 0.03 mi | Zone 2 | 120 - 140 | 0h 00m | 0%  | 0.02 mi | Zone 1 | 100 - 120 | 0h 00m | 0%  | 0.01 mi | (none) | out of range | 0h 04m | 23%  | 0.46 mi | SplitsMile | Pace (min/mile) | Speed (mph) | Heart Rate | Elev Gain |
actual | +/- avg | actual | +/- avg |
1 | 9' 59 | +0' 33 | 6.0 | -0.4 | 121 | -4 ft | 2 | 9' 00 | -0' 26 | 6.7 | +0.3 | 192 | +3 ft | end | 8' 11 | -1' 15 | 7.3 | +1.0 | 198 | -3 ft | Versus average of 9' 26 min/mile |
I have to agree that the weather was sensational two days ago. It was like spring for a moment.
After studying your heart rate and the pace, there is one thing I am quite curious. Your heart race increased after doing 0.5 (half a mile) which is good. However, I noticed your heart rate jumped into the red zone 62% of the time (between 180 to 200). I think that is quite high. Curious - while you were doing your running (looks like a casual pace), do you find yourself difficult to breath during your run or do you find yourself very comfortable while running?
Keep up the good work !!!
Hey Ted,
My heart rate (while running) is always high. But something was definitely wrong with the HR monitor that day. The first half mile was not accurate by any means. I usually run in the red zone. Even when I'm taking it easy, I'm in the red zone. I figure, that's just how my body operates. But no, I usually don't have difficulty breathing. The couple times that I have, there was something else going on where I felt light headed and such. I have noticed that I tend to hit 200 when I haven't run for a while. But when I stay active I usually max out in the high 190s.
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