So on to the run. I spent the whole run telling myself to slow down, because I'm convinced that I'm probably training too fast. The first mile was slower, then everything after ended up being sub-9:00. Yeah, not quite as slow as I would have liked. And honestly, I'm surprised mile 4 was sub-9:00. It was the hardest mile. All the sudden, my quads were really feeling it. Again, I have lack of food to thank for how I was feeling. Luckily, I had my fill at dinner to make up for it.
Anyway, I've been looking more at the Runner's World training plan. I tweaked it a bit to train hard. Still the pacing seems all off. I'm thinking that it would be more challenging if I ran 30sec faster than the suggested pace. Or maybe I should just throw all of that out the window and just run. I still like my idea of just running for 2hrs. If I can run that long, then I can run a half. Whatever I decide, I need to figure it out soon. Tuesday should be the first day of training.
I'm off. I need to prepare myself for today's long run. It's supposed to be 75min. We shall see, because I really don't feel like going out.
Happy Easter!

Nice run! You are going strong.
Christie, what are you training for? Do you have a goal race? If you feel like your pacing is off and you want to figure out where it should be then I would suggest picking a race, lots of 5k's going on lately, and racing. Then you can figure out your correct pacing from there.
I believe in training programs. They are created by experts and although we might not understand the reasoning, there is indeed a purpose for every work out.
It has been a while since my last visit and you have come a long way!
You have gotten so fast and Im loving the pix. Are you coming to Ocala next the end of this year for the half marathon? Sounds like you will be ready. Keep up the good work!
Hey!! I saw on Running Down a Dream you are running the Brooklyn half (Michelle blogged about it). I am too!! Hope to see you guys there!
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