Friday, July 31, 2009


This is me yesterday after a 6mi sweaty run on the treadmill and hitting 102mi for the month. That's right. I hit 102 miles in July! It shocked the hell outta me. I didn't think my new running plan called for so many miles. I was just following the plan and not paying attention to much else. And the best part is that my injury didn't make an appearance. Thank God! I have learned that if I'm going to be running so much that I need to run slower. Every run doesn't have to be a PR. I'm no where near being a marathoner or anything. That's not my goal anyway. I just want to stay healthy. I'm not getting any younger. And I want to look as fabulous as my friend, Diane, when I turn 60.

I think a big thing that helped this month was completing the majority of my runs first thing in the morning. Just because I run in the morning doesn't make me a morning runner. I am not a morning person. It's not that I don't function in the morning or that I need caffeine to start my day. I'd just rather hit the alarm and turn over than be on the track. Well, maybe I'd feel differently if I went to bed on time. But that's another story. Anyway, if I get it out of the way first thing, there's less of a chance for me to skip it. Well, unless I wake up with a headache or something. There are too many reasons for me to skip it if I wait. As the day goes on, especially after a work day, I get tired or get a headache or just get lazy.

So the plan for next month is to just keep running injury free. That means keeping up with cross training. I'm still taking swim lessons. My front crawl needs a lot of work. But I've only attempted it once. Hopefully, it will come to me. Once I get that down, I plan to do laps regularly at the pool (even in the winter because the pool is heated). Right now, my stroke of choice is the breaststroke. I think it's the one thing I do correctly. Too bad it's a slow stroke.

I do need to take my bike out more. But who wants to be outside in this heat and humidity? And of course, I plan to stick with yoga. Having an instructor really helps. You can't learn everything from a dvd. And if you do the poses correctly, it's like having a strength training session (Did you see my lil guns in the photo? Yoga does a body good). I hate strength training, but love yoga.

Alright, so here's what I've done the past couple of days...

7/29 - 4mi Treadmill (37:43 - 9:25 pace)
Yoga Class (1:10)

7/30 - 6mi Treadmill (57:14 - 9:32 pace)

On tap for tomorrow is 5 miles. Then 9 miles on Sunday. I'm not feeling the long run whatsoever. I really don't want to run outside. And I don't want to lose my mind on the treadmill. I could do the indoor track, but I won't know how far I ran. I could just estimate by time. I should be able to wrap it up in 90min or less. Ah, decisions, decisions.

Anyway, have a great weekend everyone!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Now where did I leave off?

I was so freakin' tired last week. I decided to make up the 6 mile run I skipped in Daytona. I ran 6 days straight, which is not typical for me. What is typical is for me to skip runs. And I've been pretty good with that these days. I haven't run this much since February. I guess I've been slacking. And my thighs thank me. They're looking pretty decent these days. I also lost the couple pounds I gained from eating out in Florida. Oh, and I finally took my bike out. I've only gone to and from the track with it, but it's something.

Alright, so let's recap...

7/20 - 3mi Park (27:26 - 9:08 pace)

7/21 - 6mi Track (56:49 - 9:28 pace)
Swim Lesson (30min)

7/22 - 3mi Park (27:42 - 9:14 pace)
Yoga Class(1hr)

7/23 - 1.36mi Bike (8:18 - 9.83 mph)
7mi Track (1:08:44 - 9:49 pace)
1.38mi Bike (11:06 - 7.46 mph)

7/24 - Yoga (45min dvd)

7/25 - 3mi Treadmill (27:20 - 9:06 pace)
Swim (750yd)

7/26 - 1.36mi Bike (7:44 - 10.55 mph)
6mi Track (57:16 - 9:32 pace)
1.40mi Bike (10:33 - 7.96 mph)

7/28 - 6mi Treadmill (57:28 - 9:34 pace)
Swim Lesson (30min)

So far, I have 92mi in for the month. That's the most ever. And now that that's out of the way, I have 4 miles planned on the treadmill later along with yoga. I don't hate the treadmill the way I used to. With the weather these days, it doesn't make a bit of difference if you run at the crack of dawn or not. You'll be disgusted anyhow. Might as well sleep in and run comfortable.

Anyway, my goal these days is to be a well-rounded athlete. I guess athlete is the right word. I want to run, swim, bike, do yoga, and whatever else is out there. A Latin dance class would be nice. (I love all things Latin. Well, not all things, but a lot of things. You know, the music, food, drinks, men...the usual.) I don't care to compete though. I'm not a fan of racing in the least bit. If I don't back out of Philly Distance Run, it will probably be my last race for a long time. I just want to stay active. And I don't need racing to motivate me to do so.

Monday, July 20, 2009

It's been a while

I haven't actually blogged a run since July 2nd. I must rectify that. But just so you know, I have been running and such. I tweet workouts on twitter. And I log my activity on dailymile. It's like Facebook or Myspace for athletes. Am I an athlete now? I kind of feel like it. I am taking yoga and swim classes. I haven't broken out my bike yet for the month though. I must get on that. I don't want to be a triathlete or anything. I just want to stay healthy and active.

So I feel like I should recap what I've done. So here goes...

7/3 - Yoga (30min dvd)

7/4 - 3mi Run (26:09 - 8:43 pace)

7/5 - 7mi Run (1:04:48 - 9:15 pace)

7/7 - 5mi Run (44:11 - 8:50 pace)
Swim Lesson (30min)

7/8 - 5mi Run (48:25 - 9:41 pace)
Yoga Class (1hr)
3mi Run (27:10 - 9:03 pace)

7/11 - 3mi Run - Daytona Beach (28:02 - 9:20 pace)

7/13 - Swim (700yd)

7/14 - 6mi Run (54:40 - 9:06 pace)
Yoga Class (1hr)

7/15 - 3mi Run (26:30 - 8:50 pace)

7/16 - 4mi Run (37:36 - 9:24 pace)

7/18 - 3mi Run (25:48 - 8:36 pace)

Then I ran last night. Pretty graph is posted below. So far, I have 58mi for the month. I've skipped only one run, and that's because I was in Florida. I actually ran twice in one day since I had to travel on a run day. So no slacking on my part. Hopefully, I can keep this going.

Elev. Avg:25 ft
Location:Willingboro, NJElev. Gain:-49 ft
Date:07/19/09Up/Downhill: [+305/-354]
Time:07:21 PMDifficulty:3.0 / 5.0


75 F temp; 61% humidity

77 F heat index; winds Calm

Distance: 8.00 miles

Speed:6.4 mph

Pace:9' 18 /mi


Cool Down = .63mi
Elevation (ft)
Pace (min/mile)
MilePace (min/mile)Speed (mph)Elevation
actual+/- avgactual+/- avg
19' 39+0' 21
6.2-0.2-52 ft
29' 36+0' 166.2-0.2+17 ft
39' 21+0' 036.4-0.0-19 ft
49' 15-0' 036.5+0.0+23 ft
59' 16-0' 026.5+0.0-26 ft
69' 06-0' 126.6+0.1+10 ft
79' 13-0' 056.5+0.1+13 ft
end9' 00
-0' 18
6.7+0.2-13 ft
Versus average of 9' 18 min/mile

Posted from

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Two Year Runniversary

That's right. Two years ago today, I started running. And as much as I'd like to elaborate and such, I can't right now. I left work early feeling like crap. I just want to get rid of this headache (and nauseousness caused by said headache) so I can pass out until tomorrow morning. I've already taken valerian, but I think the headache canceled it out. So glad tomorrow's a rest day. I'll have to recap another time. Night all.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Friday, July 10, 2009

Greetings from Daytona Beach

Hey Jess! Hey Pamela Ann! Hey other Florida peeps I may not know!
More to come later...

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Three Miles and a Funeral

It was way too humid for it to be so early in the morning. My shirt was just one layer too many. I wanted to go shirtless.

So I decided not to go to work today. I went to a funeral instead. I was debating going up until the last minute. The whole situation was on my mind since I found out about it two days ago. And I wanted to show the family some love and support. I would hope that someone would do the same for me. It's a shame that it takes a sad situation to bring people together. But I think there were more smiles and laughter than tears. And the family is at peace knowing that their loved one is in a better place. So it was still a good day.

Elev. Avg:36 ft
Location:Willingboro, NJElev. Gain:+3 ft
Date:07/02/09Up/Downhill: [+3/-0]
Time:05:08 AMDifficulty:1.5 / 5.0

Weather:Partly Cloudy

68 F temp; 96% humidity

68 F heat index; winds Calm

Distance: 3.00 miles

Speed:6.6 mph

Pace:9' 07 /mi


Elevation (ft)
Pace (min/mile)
MilePace (min/mile)Speed (mph)Elevation
actual+/- avgactual+/- avg
19' 44+0' 376.2-0.4+3 ft
29' 07+0' 006.6-0.00 ft
end8' 30-0' 377.0+0.50 ft
Versus average of 9' 07 min/mile

Posted from

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Gotta get up

I don't feel like blogging. So I'll leave you with today's theme song.

Gotta Get Up Another Day - Jill Scott

Elev. Avg:36 ft
Location:Willingboro, NJElev. Gain:+3 ft
Date:07/01/09Up/Downhill: [+3/-0]
Time:05:10 AMDifficulty:1.8 / 5.0


65 F temp; 93% humidity

65 F heat index; winds Calm

Distance: 5.00 miles

Speed:6.6 mph

Pace:9' 04 /mi


Elevation (ft)
Pace (min/mile)
MilePace (min/mile)Speed (mph)Elevation
actual+/- avgactual+/- avg
19' 53+0' 496.1-0.5+3 ft
29' 12+0' 086.5-0.10 ft
39' 05+0' 016.6-0.00 ft
48' 41-0' 236.9+0.30 ft
end8' 28
-0' 367.0+0.40 ft
Versus average of 9' 04 min/mile

Posted from