Thursday, July 16, 2009

Two Year Runniversary

That's right. Two years ago today, I started running. And as much as I'd like to elaborate and such, I can't right now. I left work early feeling like crap. I just want to get rid of this headache (and nauseousness caused by said headache) so I can pass out until tomorrow morning. I've already taken valerian, but I think the headache canceled it out. So glad tomorrow's a rest day. I'll have to recap another time. Night all.


sneakersister said...

Happy Running Anniversary Christie.

Kathleen said...

Yay! Good job for 2 whole years of running, chyeahhh!

Liz said...

Yea, girl! Happy anniversary!!

Jess said...

Congrats on 2 years of running!

Stuart said...

Awesome happy runnivesary!

peter said...

Happy happy anniversary! (Hope you're better now!)

Latanya Rene said...

Happy Anniversary! You are and always will be inspiration to me.