So my schedule called for a 5k race. I had no 5k to race, so I just ran the scheduled mileage in the park. Let me just say that I ran it like a race. When I saw my time after the first mile, I spent the next mile trying to slow myself down a bit. For the most part, the first mile of most of my runs are a 10:00+ pace. It takes a bit for me to get warmed up. Then the next mile is significantly faster. If I was going to have negative splits, I needed to slow down. It's weird because I felt like I did, but Garmin said I didn't. In any case, these past couple of weeks, I've learned that my legs are stronger than I thought and that the real test is making sure my lungs are up for the challenge. Today, both my legs and my lungs were in agreement.
ActivityRoute: | Park
| Elev. Avg: | 35 ft | Location: | Willingboro, NJ | Elev. Gain: | -42 ft | Date: | 08/16/08 | Up/Downhill: | [+72/-114] | Time: | 06:24 PM | Difficulty: | 1.8 / 5.0 |
| Weather: | A Few Clouds |
| 81 F temp; 36% humidity |
| 80 F heat index; winds W 7 G 18 |
PerformanceDistance: | 3.11 miles |
Time: | 0:28:06 | Speed: | 6.6 mph |
| Pace: | 9' 02 /mi | Heart Rate: | 172 bpm (Avg) | Calories: | 345 |
| 195 bpm (Peak) |
Notes Elevation (ft) Pace (min/mile) Heart Rate (bpm) Heart Rate ZonesZone | Range (bpm) | Time In Zone | Distance In Zone |
1 | 93 - 111 | 0h 00m | 1%  | 0.05 mi | 2 | 111 - 130 | 0h 01m | 3%  | 0.10 mi | 3 | 130 - 148 | 0h 01m | 4%  | 0.14 mi | 4 | 148 - 167 | 0h 06m | 22%  | 0.67 mi | 5 | 167 - 185 | 0h 08m | 30%  | 0.96 mi | (none) | out of range | 0h 11m | 39%  | 1.24 mi | SplitsMile | Pace (min/mile) | Speed (mph) | Heart Rate | Elev Gain |
actual | +/- avg | actual | +/- avg |
1 | 9' 23 | +0' 21 | 6.4 | -0.2 | 150 | -49 ft | 2 | 9' 00 | -0' 02 | 6.7 | +0.1 | 180 | +30 ft | 3 | 8' 49 | -0' 13 | 6.8 | +0.2 | 189 | -29 ft | end | 8' 08
| -0' 54
| 7.4 | +0.8 | 194 | +6 ft | Versus average of 9' 02 min/mile |
Nice fast 5K! That is my goal for this coming season - to get my 5K time under 30 minutes.
That is an awesome 5K time! I am not there yet with the time but i am sure trying!
All the that from the garmin? I am planning on using mine today for the very first time!! YIKES!!
Looks like you won! Nice race and yes you are getting faster.
Excellent 5K!
SWEET!! A most excellent job ;D
Wow! Great job on your own.
Honestly, if you can push yourself like that without the excitement of a race and other runners, when you do race a 5k it's gonna be a thing of beauty!
Look at that last mile! Nice! Yeah, definitely when you get into real life race conditions, you're gonna have a nice surprise.
very nice you'll do just fine in a real 5K way to go!!
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