I'm feeling better today so I made up Tuesday's 3miler. I have a slight headache now but nothing crazy, so that's good. It's getting darker sooner so I decided to go without music. It's not a huge deal. I can't see a long run without music though. I'm not that hardcore yet. Anyway, that's all for now. I'm going to cook something real quick and spend time flipping back and forth between the US Open and the DNC. Night all.
ActivityRoute: | Park
| Elev. Avg: | 34 ft | Location: | Willingboro, NJ | Elev. Gain: | -43 ft | Date: | 08/28/08 | Up/Downhill: | [+75/-118] | Time: | 07:12 PM | Difficulty: | 1.5 / 5.0 |
| Weather: | Partly Cloudy |
| 72 F temp; 57% humidity |
| 72 F heat index; winds SE 3 |
PerformanceDistance: | 3.00 miles |
Time: | 0:27:18 | Speed: | 6.6 mph |
| Pace: | 9' 06 /mi | Heart Rate: | 169 bpm (Avg) | Calories: | 331 |
| 191 bpm (Peak) |
Notes Elevation (ft) Pace (min/mile) Heart Rate (bpm) Heart Rate ZonesZone | Range (bpm) | Time In Zone | Distance In Zone |
1 | 93 - 111 | 0h 00m | 0%  | 0.02 mi | 2 | 111 - 130 | 0h 00m | 2%  | 0.06 mi | 3 | 130 - 148 | 0h 02m | 8%  | 0.24 mi | 4 | 148 - 167 | 0h 05m | 19%  | 0.58 mi | 5 | 167 - 185 | 0h 15m | 56%  | 1.70 mi | (none) | out of range | 0h 03m | 13%  | 0.43 mi | SplitsMile | Pace (min/mile) | Speed (mph) | Heart Rate | Elev Gain |
actual | +/- avg | actual | +/- avg |
1 | 9' 27 | +0' 21 | 6.3 | -0.3 | 149 | -53 ft | 2 | 9' 04 | -0' 02 | 6.6 | +0.0 | 176 | +3 ft | 3 | 8' 45 | -0' 21 | 6.8 | +0.2 | 184 | +6 ft | Versus average of 9' 06 min/mile |
Glad to hear you got a good run in. It's also good to be aware of your surroundings, so good move to go sans music.
Wow, look at that last mile! Smokin!
That's fast. I want to do that fast (again someday). Nice run.
I don't run without music either, I have to have something to distract me. Have a good weekend.
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