I was scheduled for 25min today. But I decided to switch it up a little bit after talking to Michelle. She told me that one of our Runner Blogger Friends, Ted, lost his brother on this day a few years back (I do remember reading about it a while ago on his blog somewhere). I don't know Ted very well, but his blog is in my Google Reader and from what I've read, he seems like a great guy. A lot of his posts bring a smile to my face. The least I could do is dedicate today's run to his brother. So here's to Mark!!
ActivityRoute: | Track Run
| Elev. Avg: | 36 ft | Location: | Willingboro, NJ | Elev. Gain: | +3 ft | Date: | 02/09/09 | Up/Downhill: | [+6/-3] | Time: | 06:29 PM | Difficulty: | 1.8 / 5.0 |
| Weather: | Fair |
| 35 F temp; 56% humidity |
| 35 F heat index; winds Calm |
PerformanceDistance: | 3.00 miles |
Time: | 0:28:28 | Speed: | 6.3 mph |
| Pace: | 9' 29 /mi | Heart Rate: | 165 bpm (Avg) | Calories: | 331 |
| 186 bpm (Peak) |
Notes Elevation (ft) Pace (min/mile) Heart Rate (bpm) Heart Rate ZonesZone | Range (bpm) | Time In Zone | Distance In Zone |
Zone 5 | 180 - 200 | 0h 01m | 5%  | 0.18 mi | Zone 4 | 160 - 180 | 0h 22m | 76%  | 2.28 mi | Zone 3 | 140 - 160 | 0h 05m | 19%  | 0.56 mi | Zone 2 | 120 - 140 | 0h 00m | 2%  | 0.06 mi | Zone 1 | 100 - 120 | 0h 00m | 0%  | 0.02 mi | (none) | out of range | 0h 00m | 0%  | 0.02 mi | SplitsMile | Pace (min/mile) | Speed (mph) | Heart Rate | Elev Gain |
actual | +/- avg | actual | +/- avg |
1 | 9' 45 | +0' 16 | 6.1 | -0.2 | 152 | +3 ft | 2 | 9' 43 | +0' 14 | 6.2 | -0.2 | 169 | 0 ft | end | 8' 59 | -0' 30 | 6.7 | +0.4 | 176 | 0 ft | Versus average of 9' 29 min/mile |
Cool blog, glad to have seen your post on Pamela's blog. My wife and I are Ultra running Vegans. Power of the Veggie!
Excellently done!!!
I told Ted and he is very happy that you dedicated your run to his bro!!!
Your a good egg!!!
I am moved! I wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your dedication to my brother. Thank you for doing this run in honor of my brother. It is no question that my brother in heaven appreciated what you have done.
Always a great blog. Thanks.
Awwwhhh how sweet! Ted is one of the coolest bloggers out here. Seriously. I love him :-)
That's very nice of you to dedicate your run in honor of Ted's brother! How thoughtful.
That's awesome! Ted rocks. I'm sure his brother was pretty amazing too :)
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