Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Running AM, Biking PM

Let me just start off by saying that I'm so excited that Bim Active is posting to my blog again. It's been, what, a couple weeks? I've had to do a screen shot of my graphs and such with this program, then upload it like a picture. It's annoying as hell. And time consuming.

Well on to the workout. I didn't want to get out of bed this morning. Since only 3mi were on schedule, it wasn't that big of a deal that I got out late. Whatever. So I didn't stick to the training pace at all. It was supposed to be 10:46 (well 10:34 according to my bootleg calculations). Whatever the pace should have been, it wasn't. But what it was was consistent. Miles 1 and 2 were at 10:00. How I managed that? I don't know. Anyway, I wrapped it up with an average pace of 9:56. I really should work on going slower on training runs. Especially since I came off of a hilly long run. I still felt it, you know.

Okay, now fast forward. After the cold rain yesterday, it was a pleasant surprise to have sunny skies today. On my way home, I was flying down 295 with the windows down and sunroof open. It was glorious. I didn't want to waste the day. Mind you, I had spent 9hrs wasting away at work. I decided to get in a ride before dark. And it was nice. It was just good to be out. I headed home once the street lights came on. I managed to get in 8.46mi. My quads of course, got a workout AGAIN. I just hope I won't have any issues doing speed work on Thursday morning. That's the crack of dawn on Thursday morning. I hope my body cooperates in general. We shall see.

Anyway, feel free to peruse my freshly posted BiM Active stats as I wind down for the evening. I've taken some valerian root and I'm ready to get the best sleep ever. And tomorrow's a rest day. Sweet. Night all!

Activity: RUN
Elev. Avg:36 ft
Location:Willingboro, NJElev. Gain:+0 ft
Date:04/21/09Up/Downhill: [+0/-0]
Time:05:46 AMDifficulty:1.5 / 5.0


51 F temp; 96% humidity

51 F heat index; winds W 3

Distance: 3.00 miles

Speed:6.0 mph

Pace:9' 56 /mi


Cool Down = .17mi
Elevation (ft)
Pace (min/mile)
MilePace (min/mile)Speed (mph)Elevation
actual+/- avgactual+/- avg
110' 00+0' 046.0-0.10 ft
210' 00+0' 046.0-0.10 ft
end9' 48-0' 086.1+0.10 ft
Versus average of 9' 56 min/mile

Posted from bimactive.com

Activity: BIKE
Route:Around the way
Elev. Avg:34 ft
Location:Willingboro, NJElev. Gain:-9 ft
Date:04/21/09Up/Downhill: [+269/-278]
Time:06:52 PMDifficulty:2.6 / 5.0


68 F temp; 46% humidity

68 F heat index; winds Vrbl 3

Distance: 8.46 miles

Speed:10.3 mph

Pace:5' 50 /mi


Elevation (ft)
Speed (mph)
MilePace (min/mile)Speed (mph)Elevation
actual+/- avgactual+/- avg
15' 12-0' 3711.5+1.2-46 ft
26' 25+0' 359.3-1.0+43 ft
34' 37-1' 1212.9+2.6-59 ft
46' 44+0' 548.9-1.4+19 ft
55' 43-0' 0610.5+0.2-6 ft
65' 55+0' 0510.1-0.2+3 ft
76' 21+0' 319.4-0.9+26 ft
85' 05-0' 4411.8+1.5-20 ft
end7' 13+1' 238.3-2.0+29 ft
Versus average of 10.3 mph

Posted from bimactive.com


Rookie on the Run said...

Hope you sleep well! Great job being consistent in your workouts! You are an inspiration!

Jess said...

I don't think you have to slow down. Especially for a 3 miler. Nice job!

Unknown said...

hi christie- you should post in the fitness thread on the ASOIAF board. it's been a pretty lively and positive discussion.

Unknown said...

oh yeah, the thread is here:


Unknown said...

Good for you... like you, I love BimActive. You might want to look into www.dailymile.com It is also pretty cool. 5 more weeks to go!

A Plain Observer said...

did I see a flat graph in there?

Mel-2nd Chances said...

I got out for a ride today too! Felt great! :)

Anonymous said...

Great job! Hope the nice weather stays around :)

I Run for Fun said...

Nice job! Have a wonderful warm weekend!