I've been putting this off. I've been sick and tired. And I haven't been to work for two days. Anyway, it all started in the middle of last week when I woke up with a sore throat. A sore throat always develops into something more. Come Saturday night, my throat had it's own heartbeat. I was "sleeping" on my aunt's couch. She didn't have any cold medication. I was in pain, I was congested. And I certainly couldn't sleep. I dosed off around 5ish. My alarm rang at 6:30. I somewhat considered calling Michelle and canceling. We were gonna meet up because she had my race bib and chip. I drank some ginger tea, grabbed some cough drops and a banana for the road and hoped for the best. I was worried that I'd be cold on the train. NYC trains have bumpin' AC. I was wearing a running dress with my arms out. And I'm always cold, being anemic and all. I get to the park, use the potty. Luckily, this time I was second in line. Then off to find Michelle. So many people in Columbus Circle. I wasn't sure how I'd spot her. Then all the sudden, through the crowd, I see a familiar tattoo. It's Michelle! How I spotted the tattoo on her leg before I spotted her is beyond me. Oh, and Cris was there too. He took awesome race pics. Check out his blog if you wanna see. We head over to the corral and Diane sees me. I met Diane at the Healthy Kidney 10k on 5/16. She's the one who started running at 40 but looks like she's been doing it since birth. Okay, so we're in the corral burning up. I don't care what BimActive says, it was warmer than 72. We were all sweating and complaining. Luckily, I brought my visor. Now I know to never leave home without it. It's good for blocking rain and sun. So we start running, Michelle tells me to go on. I stick with Diane for most of the race. We run about the same pace. That's cool because I've never run with anyone before. She's a trooper too. She was showing us young folks how it's done. I think I started out so fast because I trying to keep up with her. Anyway, it's hot, I'm sick, I'm lacking sleep and I'm wondering how I'm gonna make it to the end. I skipped all the water stops except the last one. Bad idea on my part. I normally won't drink anything on a 6 mile run. Of course, I normally won't force myself to run if I feel like crap. And we all know that I will cut a run short with the quickness if I get too hot. The only thing that kept me out there was knowing that I was in a race. Diane and I part ways at the water stop somewhere after mile 4. She came prepared with her own water, so she went on. I was so glad that there was water and Gatorade at the stop. Of course I walked through. We all know how bad I am at drinking while running. And I needed a break. I was burning up! I was miserable. From then on, I talked myself into finishing the race. And talked myself out of not walking. I decided to just slow down. I can do that, right? Okay, so the end is near. Those damn signs 800m to go, 400m to go, 200m to go. I hate those signs. It makes the race that much longer. For real. Just stop it. It didn't make me go any faster. I did however run faster after seeing the finish ahead. That's all I care about. Finishing. Oh, and not dying. My official time was 57:20. Almost a minute slower than my first 10k. That's not bad considering how I was feeling. Actually, that's pretty good. It's over and I can barely think. I was lightheaded. I needed to sit down. Michael, Diane's husband, noticed that my hands were shaking. Yeah, I should have sat this one out. While sitting on a shaded bench, Liz spots me. It's a small, small world. We get in some post race pics. And after I gather myself, set out to get some brunch with Michelle and Cris. But first, I must return my race chip. I never know where to find those people. All in all, it was a good day. The actual race was horrible. But I loved meeting up with my new running friends before and after the race. I'm not a people person in the least bit, but runners are awesome. Such nice people. I love y'all! Rock on! Run on!
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Posted from bimactive.com |
WOO! 8.37 mile 3 is blistering!!
Girl, you didn't tell me how badly you felt during and after the race. DID YOU?
I am sorry you felt so badly. Your health is so much more important than running a race. If I had known I probably would have tripped you at the start instead of urging you on. Then you could have watched and cheered me on. :O)
GREAT JOB and congrats on 300th post!!
You know what, I completely agree. I have never considered myself to be a people person, but all of the runners I have met and are friends with are AMAZING people.
Feel better!! Don't make me send you a care package of vodka and chicken noodle soup ;p
Great job on the mini and congrats on 300 posts!
I love how to add all those graphs to your posts, awesome!
Well, not bad at all. Another feather on your hat running a race in the heat with no sleep and being sick,
Oh, and I dont believe you are not a people person on bit!
You and Michelle should come to the Rock Hill Run and Ramble 5K, it is worth the trip. Great race, really.
hmmmm so I have about 250 post to catch up on.
Before I forget anything, Congrats on the 300th!
Now, my congratulation to you for getting the job done. I cannot recall if I ever run while I was sick. I don't think I have. I cannot believe you went out there and ran while you were under the weather. This is nothing to sneeze at (No puns intended!)
Hope you feel better!
You ROCK! I hope you feel better really soon and can run a race in top form :-) Whatever it's worth, you look great! Love the outfit.
Nice job Christie. Just think about how well you will do when you feel better.
Great job on the race. That's such an awesome pace, especially when you're sick! Hope you feel better.
WOW! Awesome running -- and to not feel good at.all. while doing it is amazing! You look great in the pics! :)
p.s. - I did the Moorestown 8k. Didn't race it, though.
Hope you feel better!
Wow! Congratulations on finishing that one. I'm glad the people you met made up for the miserable experience during the run.
It's only a matter of time before you get to run a race in GOOD conditions. (Probably fall, actually.) Then you will set a new PR
Hope you feel better soon! Congrats on the race and the 300th post! :D
Great job being that you weren't feeling A+!
DUDE. I would love to go under an hour in a 10K! I know, I know. I need to train more...(sigh).
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