Sunday, October 19, 2008

Bike 10/19/08

I just wanted to check in real quick. I rode today, and it was glorious. I've had stuff on my mind and biking really helped. I didn't think about my issue at all. I just enjoyed the ride. And I got a pretty good work out. My heart rate was higher than usual for biking. But it's still way low compared to when I'm running.

Anyway, I need to finish laundry and tend to my dinner. I'm making red beans again, but I'm adding some Jamaican boiled dumplings. If y'all haven't tried Jamaican dumplings (boiled or fried), y'all need to get up on it. It's some good eatin'.

Route:Park and Around the Way
Elev. Avg:0 ft
Location:Willingboro, NJ
Elev. Gain:-28 ft
Date:10/19/08Up/Downhill: [+839/-867]
Time:04:00 PMDifficulty:2.3 / 5.0

Distance: 12.13 miles

Speed:10.4 mph

Pace:5' 46 /miHeart Rate:132 bpm (Avg)
165 bpm (Peak)
Max Speed = 20.9

Posted from


Liz said...

Jamaican boiled dumplings....sounds delish!! Thanks for posting about the biking, you are a great reminder to me that I NEED to get on my bike (spinning doesn't count!).

tfh said...

I don't even know what a Jamaican dumpling is, but I never met a dumpling I didn't like.

Jess said...

That found sounds wonderful; glad you enjoyed your bike ride!

Laurel said...

Glad you had a good ride.

I think dumplings might be my favorite things ever.

Michelle said...

Jamaican boiled dumplings!!! Whats that all about?? Is it meat filled??? I want to know!!!

Good bike ride girl, keep up the good work!! Great weather too!!!