Saturday, June 21, 2008

I jumped my bloated butt on the scale today expecting to see that I've gained a few pounds. It's not like my clothes are getting tighter. I haven't been exercising like I should, so I figured I gained something. Luckily, I haven't been pigging out. Now that I think about it, I haven't been eating much at all. For the most part, dinner is my main meal. Breakfast gets skipped (and a half cup of coffee doesn't count), peanut butter crackers are a snack, protein bar or PB&J for lunch, then home cooked food for dinner, and some type of late night snack. My work schedule is a lot earlier, which is good. But I don't make time for breakfast. And I never cared for eating much at lunch because I only have a half hour to work with. If I'm going to seriously enjoy my meal, I need more time. If I eat how I wanna eat, I'd end up passing out at my desk afterward. Wow, I went off on a tangent. In any case, what I wanted to say is that I lost about 5lbs since my last doctor's visit last month. That's not enough to get me into a size 4. Oh, I've decided that's my goal size. Not like I'm trying to lose weight, but I'm thinking that will look good on me being barely 5'5". Anything to make me look taller.

I wanted to run earlier, but I ended up running a couple errands beforehand. I chose the park hoping to get some shade in the woods. The thing is, I had to run about a mile to get to the shaded area. So I just took it slow. Today's theme was Take My Time, thanks to track 2. I would have liked to attempt a long run today but that would not have been wise. It's that special time all women hate. So on top of feeling like crap, my energy level is supposed to be crap too. And really, who wants to get all hot and sweaty during that time? That's not my kind of party.

Speaking of party, I need to head off to a house warming.

Music: Play With The Changes by 4hero

I was just in the mood for some soulful music today.

Route:--Elev. Avg:36 ft
Location:Willingboro, NJElev. Gain:-16 ft
Date:06/21/08Up/Downhill: [+59/-75]
Time:11:49 AMDifficulty:1.8 / 5.0

Weather:A Few Clouds

83 F temp; 45% humidity

83 F heat index; winds Calm

Distance: 2.00 miles

Speed:5.5 mph

Pace:10' 51 /mi


Cool Down = .34mi
Elevation (ft)
Pace (min/mile)
MilePace (min/mile)Speed (mph)Elevation
actual+/- avgactual+/- avg
111' 17+0' 265.3-0.2-49 ft
end10' 23-0' 285.8+0.2+33 ft
Versus average of 10' 51 min/mile

Posted from


DawnB said...

nice loss without even trying. funny thing about the size 4 I'm still wearing some of them even with the 20lbs I've gained...Strange?

Christie said...

Dawn, I've seen your picture. I'm convinced you are all lean muscle and no fat. I wish.