Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Run 1/20/09

Last night, I packed a bag and decided I'd go to the gym right after work. The parking lot was packed. You'd think the Y was having an inauguration party. But I guess that's to be expected when you roll through during peak hours. All the treadmills were in use. So I ran on the indoor track upstairs. I have no clue how far I ran. I was scheduled for 3mi. I decided on 30min. I felt a lot faster than last time I ran. I estimated my pace just so I'd have some sort of distance to record in my running log. There's no point in posting any stats here though. They're all wrong.

Anyway, tomorrow I may brave the cold and run in the park. Or maybe I'll go to the Y and bore myself on the treadmill since I have the day off.

And now, I'm going to continue watching the Australian Open into the wee hours of the morning.

1 comment:

Jess said...

Good job getting to the gym right away! Indoor tracks can be monotonous, but they can serve their purpose.