Saturday, January 31, 2009

Run 1/31/09

So I did it. I spent one hour on the indoor track without losing my mind. And I actually enjoyed it. It was one of those runs where you want to keep on going. I felt strong. Oh, and I wore my IRUNLIKEAGIRL shirt. I always feel like Super Girl or something when I wear it. It's like, "Yeah, I'm a girl, I'm strong, I'm running, and I'll outrun all of you! And what?!?!" Anyway, I'm trying to make it a habit to do a full on run at the end. So I'm running at an pace that I can easily maintain throughout the run, so that I have enough reserved to kick it up a few notches at the very end. I haven't broken out into a full on sprint, but I'm pretty fast. At least I think so. Jamaicans racked up medals in the last Olympics. Maybe it's in our blood. Yeah right, I wish. I don't know anyone in my family known for speed. Heck, I don't think anyone in my family runs. Oh well. I guess I'll continue to train. And maybe one day I'll surprise myself with how fast my easy pace has become.

Anyway, I'm going to read a book. Yeah, it's a wild Saturday night. Enjoy your weekend.


Tall Girl Running said...

Good job at keeping on keeping on. It's a fight sometimes, I know, but you're winning!

Jess said...

I want that t-shirt! Good job runnign indoors for an entire hour!

Run Mommy said...

I would like that t-shirt too!

Laurel said...

I love those shirts. I wanted to get one years ago, but didn't order one. They had a booth at the Philadelphia Distance Run and I almost bought one...but didn't. LOL.

Maybe one day.

Michelle said...

WOOHOO good one girlie!!!