Wednesday, January 16, 2008


I am feeling bombed out and depleted (like Afghanistan). I just couldn't get comfortable. My breathing wasn't together at all. I really wanted to walk. I kept telling myself to slow down. So I did, but I didn't feel any better. I didn't even get a burst of energy with today's good music selection. Nothing helped.

I've been feeling like crap since Sunday night. I haven't had a good night's sleep since Saturday night. I haven't eaten much either. I forced myself to cook a pot of black beans yesterday, only because they were canned and I happened to have leftover rice. If that wasn't the case, I wouldn't have made anything. Did I mention that I lost 2lbs in the last couple of days? Yep, this month's period is just not agreeing with me. Right now, I'm typing with a headache and in desperate need of a nap. I hope I get it.

Music: Lazy Dog by Ben Watt and Jay Hannan

Route:--Elev. Avg:33 ft
Location:Willingboro, NJElev. Gain:-33 ft
Date:01/16/08Up/Downhill: [+114/-147]
Time:04:42 PMDifficulty:2.0 / 5.0


37 F temp; 51% humidity

37 F heat index; winds N 8

Distance: 4.00 miles

Speed:5.4 mph

Pace:11' 05 /miHeart Rate:178 bpm (Avg)
187 bpm (Peak)
I really, REALLY hated every minute of this one.
Pace (min/mile)
Heart Rate (bpm)
MilePace (min/mile)Speed (mph)Heart
actual+/- avgactual+/- avg
110' 53-0' 125.5+0.1167-53 ft
211' 02-0' 035.4+0.0181+6 ft
311' 09+0' 045.4-0.01830 ft
411' 15+0' 105.3-0.1183+14 ft
Versus average of 11' 05 min/mile

Posted from

Breakfast: Cornmeal mush w/maple syrup, flaxseed and unsweetened soymilk
Snack: Half Clif Builder bar (mint chocolate)
Lunch: PBJ & hot chocolate soymilk diluted w/unsweetened soymilk and EXCEDRIN
Dinner: Cuban black beans and rice (and possibly a side of collards if I find the energy to steam them)

I really need to work some fruit and veggies into today's meal plan, but I'm just too tired to care. Maybe later...


sneakersister said...

I hope you feel better soon.

Jen said...

Hey, C, hang in there & take good care of yourself - rest if you need to...

Marcy said...

Go get some rest chica! Take care of yourself, k? :-)

Pokey said...

I'm with Marcy - maybe some rest??? Hang in there...I hope you feel better QUICK!

Robot Dancers said...

I admire runners! Good job!