Friday, January 11, 2008

One for the team

Today was a rest day, but I ended up doing cardio for my Virtual Race Across America (VRAA) team on Kickrunners. We're doing a virtual competition and our team is running behind. I wasn't feeling as broke up as usual, so I did some cardio.

Anyway, I went to the Y on Wednesday for a short run. I didn't get out to run my 7miler that day, so I flip flopped the running days. I ended up doing 2.67mi on the treadmill. I could stay on there for but so long. Oh, and yesterday I realized that I lost my mind. I was only scheduled for a 6mi run, but had it in my head that I was due for 7mi. What was I thinking? Oh well. That's an extra mile for the team. I'm scheduled for 8mi tomorrow, but it depends on how I'm feeling. I may put it off til Sunday. But we're expecting rain on Sunday. We'll see.

The Firm Ultimate Calorie Blaster

Breakfast: Cinnamon toast w/rooibus chai
Pre-workout: Chocolate soymilk
Snack: Smoothie w/strawberry, blueberry, banana, hemp protein and unsweetened soymilk
Lunch: Leftover miso tofu, baked potato and steamed veggies (broccoli, cauliflower, carrots)
Dinner: Tempeh burger w/pickles and more steamed veggies
Late night snack: Clif Builder Bar (mint chocolate)


Amy@RunnersLounge said...

Starting slow (a note from your prior post) is always a sure fire way to finish well. Hope your 8 miler goes well.

Jen said...

Yeah, have a gr8 run ;-)

Greg On the Run said...

Doing 7 instead of 6 sounds like something I would do. Twice I've convinced others to run with me and then went two miles farther thatn I intended. They've never run with me again. Go figure.

peter said...

I'm with Greg. When I'm with runners and sometimes we go an extra mile beyond what I said, I think, What's the big deal. With newer runners it IS a big deal. That's why I used to collect any Garmins before I led a group out when I coached in 2006. There'd be a revolt if I said 7 and it was 7.45 on somebody's Garmin. But that's a losing battle now with the ubiquitedness of Garmins today (I'm even thinking about...).