Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Back to the drawing board

I hate the first early run of the week. I haven't been doing this long, but I hated it last week too. My pace was pretty decent considering I didn't feel like moving. I wasn't tired. Just lazy, I guess. Well, at least my outfit was cute. Pink shirt, hot pink skirt with pink shorties underneath, grey and hot pink Adidas. No pictures though.

So I was halfway thinking about riding my bike to the track instead of driving. Maybe another time though. I really wanted the comfort of my car. Hmm, maybe riding to the track will loosen me up a bit in the morning. I may have to get up a bit earlier for all that though. Not sure I'm willing to get up any earlier than 4:30am.

In other news, I haven't heard back from the Y on swim lessons yet. But I do have a friend who was a lifeguard and is willing to teach me. He has a pretty busy schedule, so we'll just have to see if he can pencil me in. Also, I signed up for yoga on Wednesday nights. I'm kind of excited and kind of nervous. I've done yoga dvds and all, but I'm sure my downward facing dog is all tore up. And I could use a live person to tell me exactly what I'm doing wrong and how to make it right.

Okay, so around this time, I usually start to get tired. And I'm not. I feel like I'm full of energy. I'm gonna read my book and take some valerian root or something. I do need to get to bed at a decent hour so I can do this all over again tomorrow. I've got 5 miles on tap. And I don't want my body to hate me for waking it up unrested. Not a good way to start a run.

Elev. Avg:36 ft
Location:Willingboro, NJElev. Gain:+0 ft
Date:06/30/09Up/Downhill: [+0/-0]
Time:04:58 AMDifficulty:1.7 / 5.0


63 F temp; 89% humidity

63 F heat index; winds Calm

Distance: 4.00 miles

Speed:6.6 mph

Pace:9' 08 /mi


Cool Down = .27mi
Elevation (ft)
Pace (min/mile)
MilePace (min/mile)Speed (mph)Elevation
actual+/- avgactual+/- avg
19' 32+0' 246.3-0.30 ft
29' 14+0' 066.5-0.10 ft
39' 05-0' 036.6+0.00 ft
end8' 42-0' 266.8+0.30 ft
Versus average of 9' 08 min/mile

Posted from bimactive.com


Unknown said...

Does taking Valerian root really help you sleep? I've tried and it does not work. I have taken Melatonin in the past and it does work at times. It is good that you are taking up other activities like swimming and yoga.

Jess said...

Sometimes a cute outfit can go a long way!