Friday, February 27, 2009

Run 2/27/09

A sista is still beat. I've run for 5 days straight. I have a long run tomorrow. Hopefully it will be a good one since I'll be sleeping in. I went to bed a little earlier last night, but I was so not ready to get up when the alarm rang. So yeah, I can't wait to be able to sleep past 6am. That's if I remember to turn off my alarm. Last week, I forgot to turn it off and was up at the crack of dawn for no good reason. Then, I couldn't get back to sleep. Yeah, I refuse to get down like that tomorrow.

Anyway, I'm off to find some high protein meal to eat. TGIF!!

Elev. Avg:0 ft
Location:Mount Laurel, NJ
Elev. Gain:+0 ft
Date:02/27/09Up/Downhill: [+0/-0]
Time:06:45 PMDifficulty:1.5 / 5.0

Distance: 2.99 miles

Speed:6.0 mph

Pace:10' 02 /mi


Posted from


DawnB said...

have a great run tomorrow I'm looking forward to sleeping as well but hope to be out before 9:00

Jess said...

Hope you're enjoying a good run today and you got to sleep in!