Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Run 2/25/09

I discovered that the gig has a fitness room. And the way I was feeling today, there was no way I was in the mood to head to the Y after work. I'd be too tempted to just drive home since it's an exit away. Anyway, I didn't want to die on the treadmill. I couldn't help but to watch the time and the mileage though. I decided to stop at 6mi instead of run for 60min. That extra minute and change would have killed me. You all know how I feel about the treadmill. Maybe I'd feel differently if I had one at home. Then I could set up whatever distraction necessary. My mp3 player is just not enough. Oh well. I'm not sure where I'm running tomorrow. It depends on how I'm feeling. And on that note, I need to get going. I have a few things to do before I go to bed. Night all.

Elev. Avg:0 ft
Location:Chester, PA
Elev. Gain:+0 ft
Date:02/25/09Up/Downhill: [+0/-0]
Time:06:00 PMDifficulty:1.9 / 5.0

Distance: 6.00 miles

Speed:6.2 mph

Pace:9' 41 /mi


Cool Down = .11mi

Posted from


DawnB said...

you go girl , very nice run

Rookie on the Run said...

Good for you for running, even though the tread mill is not fun!

Jess said...

Nice job on the 6 miler!

tfh said...

It's nice to have a fitness room at work, even if the treadmill is killer. Too bad they don't have a tv or something.