Saturday, July 28, 2007

Mark it down

Week 2 is in the books. I don't know how I feel about moving forward to Week 3. I didn't feel right this morning. I was lacking some energy. It probably has something to do with my period. It's due next week, I think. And if that's not it, I refuse to believe that it has anything to do with the Bahama Mama I had last night. Last night was Christie's night. No strength training or anything. I made falafel and quinoa tabouleh salad, and put on my Family Guy dvd. I didn't even finish my 2nd glass of Bahama Mama. I passed out on the couch. It was late anyway.

So I finished up Week 2 this afternoon. I opted for the indoor track again because it was ridiculously humid when I woke up. It was just damn uncomfortable. I don't have central air. That could also be the reason why I wasn't feeling it today. But the good thing is, I did it, I'm not sore, and I feel like I didn't do anything at all. That's just the weirdest thing to me. I spend 30mins of the day doing the most intense workout I've ever done (I could NEVER run before) and I feel no after effects. I guess that's a good thing. Maybe I'll end up running a marathon one day. We'll see.

Well, if I'm going to be successful next week, I need to slow it down. It's so tempting to run faster. Then I find it harder to count to myself because I'm trying to catch my breath. I change up my pace a few times during the run so I can finish without hating it. And I have to say, I haven't hated it since Week 1. That's a good thing.

I haven't eaten much today. It's probably because I've been napping. It's just one of those days. The cats and I have been lazy today. Oh well, tomorrow's another day. Hopefully, I'll have more energy then. Here's today's breakdown.

Music: Robert's Week 2 Podcast
Walk/Run: 30min (includes 5min cool down)
I stretched before and after.

Breakfast: Strawberry Smoothie (I ran out of blueberries. This tasted like a strawberry shake. I miss those.)

Lunch: Falafel in a pita with tahini sauce and quinoa tabouleh salad (You can find the recipe here.)

Snack: My last Tofutti Marry Me Bar (I must get more.)

Dinner: Probably more falafel (Because I love it so.)

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