Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Rest Day...NOT!!

I felt good today. I wasn't sore from yesterday at all. I am still sore from my 2 days at the pool last week. I tell ya, the pool is no joke. My inner thighs hate me for making them work. I'm always exhausted when I'm done. So I'm thinking I'll fit in pool time after work once I go back (I'm on vacation until Thursday this week). Splashing around in the water is a good way to end the day. And since it makes me tired, I should have a good sleep when I'm done.

Anyway, I didn't want to waste the good feeling and all, so I took myself to the Y and got on the elliptical. Then I took my butt home. That's all I needed. I chilled out, ate some breakfast, well technically lunch (it was after 12pm). I logged onto Spark People and took their advice. I really should work strength training into my weekly routine. So that's what I did. Hopefully, I can stick to that too. We all know how much I love routines. Yeah, whatever. I don't.

Well here's today's breakdown:

Music: Global Underground: Nubreed, disc 1 by Steve Lawler
(I'm trying to get into trance and I needed something w/the right tempo. Killing two birds with one stone.)

Elliptical: 25min (5min of it was the cool down)
I stretched when I got home.

2 x 12 Tricep Dips w/Bent Knees
(I really need to work on this. My triceps are WEAK.)

2 x 15 Crunches

2 x 10 Modified Plank
(I hate this with a passion. I was supposed to hold for 60sec. I just held for 10. I'll get better at it though.)

2 x 15 Lying Leg Curls

2 x 15 Squats

2 x 15 Standing Side Bend w/Towel
(This worked by triceps more than my obliques. Maybe I did it wrong.)

Breakfast: Strawberry Blueberry Smoothie

Snack: Less than a handful of peanuts and raisins (aka bootleg trail mix)

Lunch: VWAV Fronch Toast w/soy sausage (My mom loved this.)

Snack: Banana

Snack: Another smoothie

Dinner: Tempeh w/peppers and onions over rice

Dessert: Tofutti Marry Me Bar (That name makes no sense to me, but whatever.)

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