Sunday, July 22, 2007

Week 1 Complete

I should have completed Day 3 yesterday, but I didn't have enough time to. I woke up Friday morning with Thursday's headache. I debated about going to work, but I went. It eventually went away, thank God. Then, I went to a friend's house that night and stayed until about 2am. I got up at 10am on Saturday and had to rush around to get out the door. I took the train up to NYC and hung out with a friend. We went to Coney Island and then came back to Manhattan for dinner at Red Bamboo. We also went to a bar. I had four drinks. One of them was on the bartender. Anyway, I got back really late. Well, actually kind of early. It was almost 4am. So of course, I didn't wake up for good until noonish. And even then, I was just lying around. It was going on 3pm when I left the house today. I really don't like getting up so late. I feel I'm missing something. And I wasn't sure how I'd feel about today's session. I was just hoping not to hate it.

So I get there and decide I'm going to work on finding the right pace. They say you should be able to talk while working out. If you're too winded, then you're doing too much. Well, I took Robert's suggestion and counted as I jogged. And you know what? It worked. I FOUND MY PACE!!! I was no longer wondering when the walking portion would begin. The funny thing is, I was surprised when the jogging interval ended. It's like the time just flew by. I was struggling the other day, but that didn't even come into play. I went on the track thinking I'd need to do an extra session for the week to prepare for Week 2. I left the track confident that I could start Week 2 without hating it.

I didn't eat too much today, probably because I got up so late. But here's the breakdown.

Music: Robert's podcast

Walk/Jog: 25min (includes 5min cool down)
I stretched before and after.

Breakfast: Glass of OJ and less than a handful of peanuts and raisins

Lunch: Red Bamboo leftovers (wh/included soy chicken and steamed carrots. I made a baked potato to go with it.)

Dinner: I was thinking of cereal, but I don't have any cold soy milk. Maybe PBJ on wheat and water.

I honestly don't remember snacking today. After the track, I came home, showered and rushed back out to hit the nail salon before they closed. I had to get the little piggies done. Then my aunt came over. We talked for a while. She just left an hour ago. I don't think I ate anything the entire time. Don't fret. I will eat well tomorrow. I have some tofu marinating. I'm going to cook it up tomorrow for dinner.

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