Tuesday, July 31, 2007

I wanted to try Week 3 today, but I decided to wait til tomorrow. I forgot to take my iron supplement before I left for work. I don't know how long it stays in my system so I didn't want to chance running out of steam and hating every minute of the run. I was getting tired on the drive home too. I'm sure part of that was lack of sleep (like every night), but maybe part of it had to do with missing my morning dosage. So I opted for strength training today.

I'll be back on the track tomorrow. I want to do it in the morning, but it's seriously cutting into my sleep time. We'll see.

2 x 15 Crunches

1 x 15 Crunches w/Twist (once on each side)

2 x 15 Modified Plank

2 x 15 Modified Side Plank

2 x 15 Lying Leg Curls

2 x 15 Squats

2 x 15 Standing Side Bend w/Towel

2 x 15 Wall Push Ups

2 x 12 Tricep Dips w/Bent Knees (Back to 12. My arms were burning after the push ups.)

Breakfast: Grits w/soy margarine (Thanks to a friend. I was gonna eat my bagel, but she offered me a packet of instant grits. I miss those.)

Snack: Banana

Lunch: VWAV Curried Tempeh-Mango Salad Sammich (I'm surprised I liked this. Eating fruit like this isn't my kind of thing, but it works.)

Snack: Mango (Because it was extra ripe when I bought it yesterday. I figured I'd just eat it before it went bad.)

Munchies: I picked at Trader Joe's Cats Cookies and dark chocolate covered almonds throughout the work day.

Dinner: Spinach salad w/chickpeas, red peppers, tomatoes, and the best balsamic vinaigrette ever (I used this recipe. I added 2 T of dijon mustard, used 1 t of garlic powder because my fresh garlic was MIA, and added 1 extra t of sugar. This is so good. I licked the plate, seriously.)

Dessert: I'm treating myself to a So Delicious ice cream sandwich (Unfortunately, Wegman's was out of Tofutti Marry Me Bars. This broke my heart. But what can you do? Buy a replacement.)

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