Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Week 3 Day 1

I planned to hit the track this morning. I woke up bright n early and everything. But I forgot that I had to download the new podcast onto my MP3 player. It took forever. Then I had to convert the format, and after that, I couldn't find the damn thing on my computer. By the time I got it together, it was time for me to get ready for work. I really didn't want to do it after work, but I had to do what I had to do.

It was a tad too humid, so I opted for the indoor track today. I really thought I would hate it, but I didn't. Go me!! I didn't find myself wishing it was time to walk at all. I just had to pace myself. I've gotten into the habit of counting every four steps. If I can do that without wanting to pass out, then I'm good. And today, I was good. I wasn't breathing as hard, trying to catch my breath. I walked faster during the intervals. It didn't take me long to recover from the jog either. It was a slow jog, but dammit, I was jogging. And it was great. I felt great. Maybe my lungs are getting stronger. And maybe my iron supplement is just the best thing since sliced bread. Whatever it is, it's working and I'm glad for it.

Music: Robert's Week 3 Podcast
Run/Walk: 26min

Breakfast: Strawberry Smoothie (used the last of my berries)

Breakfast 2: Cinnamon raisin bagel w/soy margarine

Lunch and Dinner: Same as yesterday

Snack: Bananas

Munchies: More of those cookies

I'm still debating about dessert. I'll probably have another ice cream sandwich. Why not?

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