Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Lazy Day

I didn't wake up for Wai Lana yoga. I went to bed way too late for that. I set my alarm for 7:30am instead. And when it rang, I turned it off and turned over. I probably would have slept until the afternoon, but my friend called a little before 10am. What is going on with my sleep schedule? I know I'm not working now, but I'd still like to get up earlier. I feel like I'm missing something when I sleep late. And I'm not even a morning person. Oh, and I forgot to mention that I ended up napping on the couch yesterday even though I had coffee. Maybe some of this has to do with the weather. It's cold and rainy. And I actually wore a sweater yesterday and today.

So when I got up for good, I decided to do some yoga. I really needed a good stretch. I'm definitely feeling yesterday's workout. I found some poses on Yoga Journal. Some looked pretty easy, but let me tell you, they were not. I used to be flexible when I was younger. Well, that has come and gone. Or maybe yoga has a way of letting people know they're not as flexible as they thought they were. I guess the more I do it, the better I'll get.

I can't really say that I ate meals today. I can't label anything breakfast or lunch. It's just a weird day. So far, I had a bit of cashews. That was before noon, so I guess that's technically breakfast. On a day like this, you should have something baking in the oven, so I made banana crumb muffins. So not healthy, but I did veganize the recipe. That counts for something. I replaced the melted butter with corn oil. I used 1T of flaxseed w/3T of water to replace the egg. I probably didn't need an egg replacer anyway with the bananas. I added 1/2 t of cinnamon to the batter. I used whole wheat flour because I don't use white flour for anything. I cut that out of my diet ages ago before I went veg. I'm running low on natural organic sugar and saving it for another recipe, so I stuck with white. Earth Balance replaced butter in the crumbles, and I think that's it. Next time I make this, I'm going to sub apple sauce for the oil. Anyway, this is a very good muffin. I had one this afternoon with a cup of tea. I guess that's lunch.

Yoga: 25min (of trying not to break anything)

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