Friday, August 10, 2007

Week 4 Day 2

It cooled down a lot, so I went to the track this morning. I was killing myself on the first 3min run. I was going too fast. So I slowed the pace on the first 5min run. I didn't love it, but I made it through. I guess I just have to get used to it. When I pace myself, I feel like I'm not going anywhere, but I am. I do end up jogging past the walkers, so I guess I'm doing something. I am excited about finishing up W4D3 on Sunday. I actually want to finish up tomorrow instead. But I'm going to stay put and give myself a rest. Actually, I should flex my ankles in the mean time. I forgot I had weak ankles. Jogging has reminded me of this.

I'm not too excited about heading into W5. I'm trying to get my mind around the fact that next Sunday I'm supposed to jog 20min non-stop. Participating in a Cool Running C25K discussion forum has helped. A lot of people are on W5. They didn't know how they were going to do it, but they made it through. If they can do it, I can do it too, right? And besides, this is what I've dreamed of doing. I'm determined that this is what I'm going to do, even if I need to repeat W4 a couple of times.

Music: Robert's Week 4 Podcast
Walk/Jog: 32min

Pre/post-run: TJ's orange, peach, mango juice (I took a few sips before and finished the rest after)
Breakfast: Cashews, peppermint tea, and a banana
Snack: 2 or 3 bites of a leftover veggie sandwich from the other night (Threw it out because I just didn't want it in the first place)
Lunch: Stir fry veggies in soy ginger sauce w/brown rice (I went to Wild Rice)
After Lunch Treat: Starbuck's Vanilla Soy Latte (I needed something to keep me up)
Dinner: Tofu, kale, sweet potato w/Earth Balance

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