Saturday, December 29, 2007

7 Miles Easy...

Yeah, no. I don't think so. Believe me, the run was a lot harder than what my average heart rate suggests. My heart rate was way low, but I just wasn't feeling it. I spent a good portion of the run talking myself out of stopping. It's funny because miles 1-3 were identical. Then after that, I had a battle with myself not to end the run at the next mile. The splits after mile 3 are a reflection of this. Good thing is, I stuck with it. I still don't understand the low heart rate though. When I was running up an incline in mile 7, it was at 98 bpm. Mind you, I always speed up on the inclines. Weird. I'm not sure what that means. But when I was done, I felt like I couldn't run another step. Or maybe I just didn't want to run another step. According to my heart rate, I should have run faster. But I couldn't run any faster than I did (not like I was trying to run fast). I was just not feeling it today. Anyway, here are the numbers...

Music: House Nation America, Disk 2 by Ministry of Sound

Avg pace: 11:08/mi
Heart Rate: 126 Avg/179 Max
Calories: 843

1mi @ 11:00
2mi @ 11:00
3mi @ 11:00
4mi @ 11:13
5mi @ 11:18
6mi @ 11:25
7mi @ 11:02

Breakfast: Oatmeal w/the usual fixings
Pre-run: Half Clif Builder's bar, mint chocolate
Lunch: Apple and PB&J
Dinner: Curried chickpeas and tomatoes w/basmati rice
Snack: Finished the Clif bar
Late night snack: Edamame


peter said...

Sometimes you just don't feel it. Tomorrow is always another day. You had nice even splits, good going.

Sean said...

Hey Christie! Nice job out there. I just wanted to comment that occasionally my heart rate monitor reports wonky numbers like that, but I'm pretty sure it's just wrong. 98 bpm when it was 180 or so a couple minutes earlier is probably impossible unless you stopped and stood still for a couple minutes. You can always check it yourself by counting for 15 seconds and multiplying by 4.

Tall Girl Running said...

Hi Christie! I'm really bad at commenting on other blogs, but wanted to thank you for your kind words on mine. I really threw myself a pity party today, but all it takes is reading other blogs like yours to realize this sport treats everyone the same... some days are great, some are just plain lousy. Just gotta buck up and get it done a lot of the time. Thanks again and good luck with your own adventures!

Jen said...

That's two pretty big runs close together - sometimes that can do weird things to your HR, too. Though it sounds like there was something more related to the gadget itself... Nice job pushing through even when you didn't feel it.

Neese said...

I'll say this you have consistency nailed! those are awesome splits. For me, when running distance I always think under 12 minute miles are where I need to be, I'd love those splits, so nice and even. Sorry you weren't feelin' it, those runs can be rough, next run may be better! :)

Diana said...

Christie, I am loving your blog! I found you via Kickrunners, and I'm not running at the moment because I'm rehabbing my knees. I'm also not eating vegan at the moment because... I'm lazy.

I just LOVE how you post what you eat each day. It makes me think that yeah, I could eat that! I'm going to steal some of your menus for a few days and see how it goes.

DawnB said...

we have our good and bad days your next run will be the total oposite of this one. You stuck with to the end and thats what counts. I'm really impress that you speed up on inclines. Hills will be nothing for you in the races. These miles have just made you stronger.

Nancy said...

Hang in there. You are doing so great, so much progress!!

Thanks for all your nice comments :D