Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Out and About

I'm surprised today wasn't a disaster. I didn't get any sleep last night. Well, it was the first night I wasn't sneezing and blowing, so I didn't take any Benadryl. That stuff puts me to sleep. Without it is like drinking a latte before bed I guess. I fell asleep not too long before my alarm rang this morning. So I kept hitting snooze until I felt I could function.

I got up and cooked quinoa while I did yoga. Today's routine consisted of some arm strengthening exercises. Boy are my arms weak. I really need to practice those exercises. I thought my triceps would collapse and leave me kissing the yoga mat. And am I the only one out there whose palms are too sweaty to maintain the downward facing dog pose? Whenever I have to hold that pose for an extended amount of time, my hands start sliding up the mat. I guess I need to use a towel.

I ate breakfast while doing some last minute studying for the state exam for the course I passed last week. Then I cleaned the bathroom, showered, and headed out. Well, I passed the exam. Thank God because my stomach was in knots. The test was easy though. From there I went to Trader Joe's since I was halfway there. I can go but so long without their cereal. Cheerios is not cutting it. Then stopped at L's house for him to sign off on my temporary certificate (L is a dear friend and my future boss). From there we head to B's house because she needed her computer fixed (B is an acquaintance and future co-worker). I just tagged along for the ride. But before we got there, we checked out the scarecrows in Medford's scarecrow competition (Medford is a nice, little town that reminds me of Star's Hollow on Gilmore Girls). We finally get to B's, and her pc is really jacked up. It took L a while to fix it, so I jumped on B's treadmill to pass the time. It was set to some ridiculous incline and worked the heck out of my hips.

I got in around 8:30pm, made dinner, and called my niece for her birthday. I asked her if firemen came to put out the fire caused by her birthday candles. She's only 11 but it's fun to mess with her. I talked to my sister for a bit too. She and the girls (my two nieces) started jogging/walking. She said they go a little further every time they go out. I'm so happy for them. And on that note, I'm off to bed.

Yoga: 25min
Yoga For Every Body: Open & Strong Heart

Walk: 25min

Breakfast: Quinoa porridge (or whatever it is)
Made w/diced apple, raisins, pumpkin seeds, cinnamon, vanilla, maple syrup and a splash of soy milk
Lunch: Chocolate Mint Clif Builder's Bar
Dinner: Tempeh burger w/sauteed onions, pickles, ketchup, mustard on toasted oatmeal bread and oven baked fries


Anonymous said...

i'm glad you felt well enough to put in some exercise! good job!

Christie said...

Thanks. I think yoga is giving me energy to do stuff. I'm really surprised that a latte didn't cross my mind yesterday.