Thursday, October 4, 2007

Strength and Yoga

I woke up with another headache today. And it doesn't help that my sleep was interrupted by a crazy dream. What is going on?

In other news, I'm eating better. Hopefully that means I won't have a headache tomorrow.

Yoga: 30min
Yoga For Every Body: General Practice: Floor

2 x 15 Dumbbell Shrugs w/3lb weights
3 x 15 Squats w/10lb weights
2 x 15 Wall Push Ups
2 x 15 Tricep Dips w/Bent Knees
2 x 15 Crunches w/3lb weights
2 x 20 Crunches w/Twist
2 x 12 Lying Leg Raises
3 x 30 Modified Plank
2 x 15 Lying Leg Curls

Breakfast: Quinoa porridge
Snack: Smoothie w/strawberry, blueberry, banana, flaxseed and unsweetened soy milk
Lunch: Black eyed peas w/cornbread leftovers and kale
Snack: Apple
Dinner: VWAV Italian marinated tofu w/kale and baked potato
Late night snack: More cereal because I love it so


Jen said...

Stellar food day! Hope the headache's gone. I hate how some people blame everything on detox, but maybe it's detox :-)

Christie said...

Hmm, I've never detoxed, so I can't use that excuse. But I have been lacking in the veggie dept for a few days, so maybe that's the problem.