Thursday, October 11, 2007

Yes, I know I was wrong

I was a bad girl. Today was frozen drink day. It wasn't the rum that got me, but I think the high fructose corn syrup. Ugh, it was way too sweet. But unfortunately, that didn't stop me. I may not run tomorrow. Definitely not enough nutrients in my diet today. I'll just have to see how I feel in the morning. I'm off to drink lots of water.

Yoga: 30min
Yoga For Every Body: Getting in Balance

2x15 Dumbbell Shrugs
2x12 Back Extension
2x15 Crunches w/Twist
2x30 Plank (I graduated from the modified plank:)
2x15 Tricep Dips w/Bent Knees
2x15 Seated Dumbbell Tricep Extension w/3lb weights
2x15 Dumbbell Chest Press w/3lb weights
2x15 Forward Lunges
2x12 Squats w/10lb weights

Breakfast: Smoothie w/banana, strawberry, blueberry, flaxseed and unsweetened soy milk

Snack: Orange

Drinks: Shot of rum, strawberry daiquiri, pina colada and strawberry colada
The shot wasn't necessary, but my instructor was having a bad day, so I did a shot with him.

Dinner: Same as last night
Yeah, I'm hooked on Norma's. That's what happens when you spend a good portion of the day in the same shopping center as an awesome Middle Eastern restaurant.


Renee said...

The sugary drinks make me so much sicker than regular drinks. I still haven't figured out why I love them so much!

Christie said...

Honestly, I prefer red wine. It's a nice, smooth buzz. But of course, it will put you to sleep if you're not already bursting with energy.

Jen said...

Tons of sugar + alcohol makes me feel awful... (aside from the occasional whiskey-coke or rum & coke). Red wine & I really don't get along, however.

Christie said...

Yeah, red wine can cause a mean headache. I'm fine if I remember to drink water before bed though.