Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Firming Up

I was going to do Pilates, but for some reason, I can't find my dvds. I bet I'll find them when I'm not looking for them. Isn't that how it always works? I found The Firm dvds along with my weights with no problem at all. Maybe it's a sign? I haven't done that workout since the beginning of the year maybe? Well, I noticed that I'm not as worn out as I was before. When I originally did it months ago, I hated that darn Transfirmer. Stepping up and down on a 14in box can really wear you out. And honestly, I could never finish that part. I had to modify the workout on the 8in box instead. But today, I did it with no problem. Of course, my quads will hate me for the rest of the day and tomorrow during my jog, but still, I did it. I'm sure part of it has to do with me being more active now. But I really think it has more to do with my iron supplement. Without it, who knows if I'd even be where I am now physically.

After The Firm, I took myself to the pool. It was quite refreshing. The time sort of flew by. So I think I'll start increasing my time in the water. My muscles are definitely feeling today's workout, so I took advantage of the stretch routine on The Firm dvd. I like that they used a couple of yoga poses in there too. It felt really good. I think I'll start doing that stretch routine on my running days too.

Strength training: 30min
The Firm Supercharged Sculpting dvd

Swim: 30min
Stretch: 8min

Pre-workout: A couple pieces of cantaloupe
Pre-swim: 1/2 banana
Lunch: 2 lentil patties on a multi-grain tortilla w/lettuce, diced tomatoes, and tahini dressing
Snack: Smoothie w/strawberry, blueberry, banana, baby spinach, flaxseed, and soy milk
Dinner: Veg*Triathlete's AWESOME Tuscan bean polenta w/tempeh
I added spinach instead of carrots.
Late night snack: Apple and sesame crunch candy


Jen said...

I'm so glad you liked it! Spinach was a good idea. It needed some greens. What's in the lentil patties? Do you make them yourself?

Christie said...

I got the lentil patty recipe from here. You'll probably need to add some spices. It's very mild flavored. See my comments in this entry