Monday, September 24, 2007

Week 2 Day 1

Today was a good day. I got up, did some yoga, made an omelette, did some last minute studying, went to class, passed my test, and went to the Y for a run. I think this morning's yoga routine was very helpful. I wasn't doing much, but it got my heart rate up a bit. I guess that's why it's called Good Morning. And the best part was that I didn't feel the need for a latte. I'm kind of surprised because I took Benadryl last night. I'm usually spaced out in the morning, but I took one instead of two hoping to not be out of my mind. It still took a bit for me to wake up, but I was less tired.

I feel good, but I need to find a good shoulder stretch. I think the wall push ups got me the other day. I feel like I've been punching people.

Yoga: 25min
Yoga For Every Body: Good Morning

Music: Be by Common
I'm not a big hip-hop fan, but I needed a change today. Common is an artist that I can appreciate. And it doesn't hurt that he's easy on the eyes and veg.

Warm up: 5mim
Jog: 30min
Cool down: 5min

Breakfast: Vegan Omelette w/spinach, diced tomatoes, and toast w/soy marg
I tried this for the first time yesterday. I added a little bit of garlic powder because I love garlic. I got better at flipping it today but it still wasn't as pretty as Susan's.

Post-run: Smoothie w/strawberry, blueberry, banana, spinach, flaxseed and unsweetened soy milk
Lunch: Finished breakfast
Dinner: Dr. Stonielove's tofu veggie stir-fry w/miso-tahini sauce over brown rice
I used frozen stir-fry veggies and added ginger to the sauce. Love me some ginger.
Munchies: TJ's Joe Joe's Cookies
I completely forgot I had these. It's my duty to eat them before they get stale.


turtle tracks said...

Congrats on the test! And the omelet! I'm determined to conquer that this week. I need to buy some tahini, though.

Do you grind up your flaxseeds? I hadn't for the longest time, but then I learned that they're not beneficial if you don't break the hull. So I got a coffee grinder and now I put a tablespoon of ground up flaxseeds in my yogurt every morning (when I have yogurt, that is). The flax really, really helps with my arthritis.

Christie said...

Thanks. I actually buy ground flaxseed keep it in the freezer. I don't have a coffee grinder, but I need to get one to grind spices and whatnot. I'm not the mortar and pestle kind of girl.

turtle tracks said...

Huh. It never occurred to me that you could buy it already ground up! We had a mortar and pestle at the vet I used to work at. It was actually a lot of fun, grinding up pills and whatnot. We called it the motor and pedal, though. Because we're funny like that.

I don't drink coffee, so I didn't need one until I read about the flax seeds. I love it! It's fun to play with.

Jen said...

Maybe you were running around punching people in your sleep!

The food sounds amazing!!! Vegan omelette? Stonielove's stir fry? Yum!

Christie said...

You have to try the omelette. You just throw everything in the blender. It's so easy to make. Well, folding the omelette wasn't so easy, but I'm getting better at it.