Friday, September 7, 2007

Week 8 Day 3

I rested yesterday although I felt so much better when I woke up. My right calf was more sore than anything else that was sore. It's still sore today, but not as bad. I used some Mineral Ice type product on it last night. It's amazing how I don't feel any of this stuff while I'm running.

Anyway, I wasn't really feeling today's run. I went to the Y later than usual. I guess I was procrastinating. There was no serious tennis match that needed my attention or anything. Well, I made it out there around 3ish. I couldn't really get into a good rhythm. There were quite a few people on the indoor track. I really should have left earlier. I'll keep that in mind on Monday. My pace was slower than I would have liked. But what matters is that I did it. And now I'm headed to my final week of this program. I still haven't decided what I'll do next. Maybe I'll start the One Hour Runner program first, then head into Hal Higdon's Spring Training. Since the first 3 weeks of OHR consist of running 30min for 3 days a week, I can work on my pace during that time. Hopefully it will come easier to me since Week 9 of C25k is the same program.

In other news, I subscribed to Runner's World magazine today. Does that officially make me a runner now?

Music: Global Underground: NuBreed, Disc 2 by Steve Lawler
This was a good choice today. There's some Latin influence and lots of percussion. I LOVE percussion.
Warm up walk: 5min
Jog: 28min
Cool down walk: 5min

Breakfast: A piece of toast w/grape jam
Pre-run: A few walnuts w/raisins
Lunch: Smoothie w/strawberry, blueberry, banana, flaxseed, and soy milk
Snack: A few honey wheat pretzel twists
Dinner: The last of the Tuscan bean polenta w/tempeh
Snack: Tofutti Marry Me Bar, more pretzel twists and a few dark chocolate covered almonds


turtle tracks said...

I can't even imagine running for 30 minutes straight! Good job!

Christie said...

Thanks. When I started, I couldn't imagine it either. Now I'm looking forward to doing 30min and more.

Anonymous said...

that's a long jog! great work! i hope your right calf will feel better :) i haven't read the runner's world magazine yet... let me know how you like it!

Christie said...

Thanks. My calf is so much better today. I'll let you know about RW. Hopefully, I won't forget. I won't have it for 4-6 weeks.