Monday, September 10, 2007

Week 9 Day 1

Sheba chewed up the cord for my earbuds. So no music today. It's not as bad as I thought it would be. Music just serves has background noise anyway. There was a noisy basketball game going on in the gymnasium below, so that did the trick (the indoor track overlooks the gymnasium).

I started out faster than usual. Halfway through, I had to slow it WAY down. I guess that's what happens when other people are on the track. It's great when I have the place to myself. I can do my thing with no problem. Other people throw me off. I guess I won't be running a 5k race any time soon, huh.

Hopefully I'll get to bed at a decent time tonight. I'm beat. I napped on the couch for about 20min. I felt this way after the first 20min run, then again with the first 25min run. I guess it takes my body a bit to get used to. Or maybe I didn't get adequate sleep the night before these first runs. It was a good workout though. I ran for a half an hour. Wow.

Warm up walk: 5min
Jog: 30min
Cool down walk: 5min

Breakfast: Toast w/hummus, tomato, S&P
Lunch: Same as yesterday
Snack: Smoothie w/strawberry, blueberry, banana, and soy milk
Dinner: Same as yesterday
Snack: So Delicious ice cream sandwich

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