Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Found It

I finally tracked down my pilates dvds. I did the basic workout this time. It was kind of easy. Maybe because the other workout is like drill sergeant pilates. Well, I didn't want to do anything too strenuous today anyway.

In other news, I emailed Sparkpeople asking if there will ever be a dairy-free option for the meal plans. They have vegetarian and egg-free, but what about dairy-free? When I try to substitute dairy, they offer other dairy food items. You don't have to be vegan to not eat dairy. Hell, some omnivores don't eat dairy.

Pilates: 20min
Windsor Pilates 20 Minute Workout

Breakfast: Toast w/hummus, tomato, S&P
Snack: Vanilla soy latte w/cinnamon
Just because it's been a while. I don't need a caffeine buzz. I just like the taste of coffee. Too bad decaf doesn't taste as good.
Lunch: More breakfast and an apple
Dinner: Same as yesterday
I finished the last of it.
Snack: Smoothie w/strawberry, blueberry, banana and soy milk and pretzels
Late night snack: Cantaloupe


Jen said...

That's surprising about spark people! So many people are dairy intolerant that you'd think it would've prompted something from them. Fools.

Christie said...

You would think. I'm still waiting for a response. We'll see.

turtle tracks said...

I really want to try pilates. Do you need a lot of gear to do the DVDs?

Christie said...

I use the Windsor Pilates series. Just make sure you have comfortable clothes and get an exercise mat if you don't have a comfortable floor.

turtle tracks said...

Thanks! I've got a yoga mat, plus my office is carpeted. My sister may or may not have these DVDs. If so, I'm gonna steal them!